


The history of thoroughbred Arabian breeding in Slovakia began to be written unofficially from the seventies of the last century. In 1973, the Topolčianky stud imported original Arabian thoroughbreds from the Arab Republic of Egypt for more than 3.5 million crowns from the El Zahraa State Stud. The aim of the imports was to further improve the quality of the Shagya-Arabian as well as the Arabian thoroughbred breed. Four stallions and 6 breeding mares were imported.

Championships of young horses and pony riders in dressage Championships of the West Slovak region of the SJF

Championships of young horses and pony riders in dressage  Championships of the West Slovak region of the SJF

On June 18-19, 2022, a two-day dressage event was held again on the premises of the National Stud. In addition to open competitions, spectators could watch the battle of equestrian pairs in two rounds of the Slovak Championships of young horses and pony riders and also of the ZSO SJF Championships. The hot summer weather tested the fitness of all participants.

Dressage competition in Topoľčianky

Dressage competition in Topoľčianky

On June 4-5, 2022, the first of three planned dressage events took place on the premises of the National Stud. There were competitions at levels from 'Z' to 'T', including tests for young horses.

May Prize of the National Stud Topoľčianky

May Prize of the National Stud Topoľčianky

On the last weekend of May, the first of this year's sports events took place in the grounds of the National Stud - the May Prize of the Topoľčianky National Stud. More than 80 riding pairs came to test their strength in showjumping. Competitions were announced from the ZM level to S - 130 cm. The author of the courses was an experienced course designer from Czech Republic, Ján Kopiš. The panel of judges, which ensured the smooth running of all competitions, was commanded by Anka Virágová, the other members were Martina Kredatusová, Bibiana Zacharová and Patrik Mikulášik. A big thank you goes to the sponsors of the event, who donated interesting material and financial prizes to the winners and runners-up. They were the companies Happy Horse Service, Cavalor, Heineken, Prohorse, Gazoo, JK pri Národný žrebčín and Národný žrebčín Topoľčianky.

Pre selection of the stallions and tests of performance at the National Stud Farm Topoľčianky 26th May 2022

Pre selection of the stallions and tests of performance at the National Stud Farm Topoľčianky 26th May 2022


Ing. Péter Görözdi, predseda


Ing. Michaela Horná, PhD.

Ing. Samuel Sokol

Ing. Emil Kovalčík, PhD.

MVDr. Dušan Solár za ŠVPS

With comettee cooperated::

Pavol Gašpar

Open day at the Topoľčianky National Stud

Open day at the Topoľčianky National Stud

After a two-year break, when the Open Doors Day was held only symbolically due to pandemic measures in connection with Covid-19, this year the gates of the National Stud opened again to the general public. Attendance broke all previous records. The pleasant spring weather in connection with the prospect of a day full of experiences attracted more than 15,000 visitors to Topoľčianky.

Vaulting training session at the Topoľčianky National Stud

Vaulting training session at the Topoľčianky National Stud

On March 25-27, 2022, the JK vaulting department at the Topoľčianky National Stud under the leadership of Boris Kodak organized a vaulting training session for the clubs of the West Slovak region of SJF. The event was attended by almost 20 trainees from three clubs - JK Slávia SOUP Šaľa led by assistant head coach Beata Tóthová, JK Farao led by Vladimíra Lenčéšová and domestic trainees led by Boris Kodak.

"Natural balance" seminar at the Topoľčianky National Stud Farm

"Natural balance" seminar at the Topoľčianky National Stud Farm

On February 19, 2022, the Slovak Farrier's Guild organized a seminar called Natural balance focused on the adjustment of the bare hoof. The National Stud in Topoľčianky covered this event by providing its premises. Daniel Anz, a recognized expert in the subject in Europe, who specializes in the so-called barefoot trim, accepted the invitation as the trainer. The seminar served to increase the expertise of members of the Slovak Farrier's Guild. At the end, the participants received a certificate of completion.

Ing. Samuel Sokol celebrated his 60th birthday

Ing. Samuel Sokol celebrated his 60th birthday

In the past few days, former successful horse racing driver and trainer Ing. Samuel Sokol celebrated his life anniversary. He currently works at the Topoľčianky National Stud in the position of "head of horse breeding and trainer of racehorses". As it happens, his path to the National Stud was not straightforward, so we were curious as to what preceded it.


FAVORY XVIII-1 STARTED THE NEW BREEDING SEASONOn January 18, in the morning at the Hostie breeding facility, the first foal of the year was born, the Lipizzaner stallion Favory XX-1 after the newly registered stallion 113 Favory XX Sofija. With this, little Favory opened not only the breeding season at the National Stud, but also the breeding career of his father, as he is his first offspring.



Topoľčianky is a real "Mecca of horse breeding" in Slovakia. In addition to noble and rare horses, the National Stud Farm can also boast a unique hippological exposition. We talked about its history, but also the present, with its administrator - Ing. Andrej Magáth.

Visit of the State Secretary of the MPRV SR Milan Kysel

Návšteva štátneho tajomníka MPRV SR Milana Kyseľa

On November 9, 2021, a meeting between the State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the Slovak Republic (MPRV SR) Milan Kysel and the State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture for Forests and Land of the Republic of Hungary Péter Zambó took place in Topoľčianky.

The central topic of the meeting was the development of methodologies for quantifying damage caused by wild animals in forests, agricultural areas, as well as in the field of aquaculture.

On this occasion, government officials visited the National Stud Farm "Topoľčianky" š.p. In the afternoon, they were welcomed by the director Michal Horný, who introduced the activities and direction of the company. Subsequently, the delegation moved to the hippological exposition, where rare artifacts from the history of the stud farm can be seen.



Planting of old apple tree varieties in the National Stud Farm "Topoľčianky" š.p.

Výsadba starých odrôd jabloní v Národnom žrebčíne “Topoľčianky “ š.p.

Horse breeding in the National Stud Farm "Topoľčianky" š.p. is well known. In addition to horse breeding, one of the production activities was also a special plant production focused on fruit growing.

The Performance Tests of the Stallions at the National Stud Farm “Topoľčianky“ š.p.

Komisia pri hodnotení typu a exteriéru

President of the committee:

Ing. Péter GÖRÖZDI


Ing. Michaela Horná, PhD.

Ing. Eugen Feherváry

Ing. Kamil Šulko


Ing. Samuel Sokol, vedúci chovu koní

Ing. Emil Kovalčík, PhD., vedúci PK a marketingu

Miroslav Matúška, vedúci výcviku koní


MVDr. Oto Naď

The invated:

MVDr. Dušan Solár


0800 hod.

Measurement of the horses, collecting the passports, passing on the evaluation of the head of the training process.

0900 hod.


0910 hod.

Evaluation of the type, exterior, ridability (dressage), movement in freedom.

1200 hod.

Marathon, dressage, connes.

1400 hod.

Assessment report.


On October 28, 2021, the performance tests of genetic reserves (stallions) owned by the National Stud Farm "Topoľčianky" š.p and private owners Darina Bartalová (Skarr) and Lucia Rovná - SHR (Siglavy Bagdady Bánát BI) took place. The stallion Siglavy Baghdady Bánát will complete the C3 discipline next year 2022.

The horses were well prepared for the performance tests and the tests ran according to the time schedule


č./ Name of the horse

Class /Points


1.      O´BAJAN V-32

ELITA (8,75 b.)


2.      O´BAJAN V-13

ELITA (8,48 b.)


3.      Gazal VIII-21

ELITA (8,40 b.)


4.      Conversano XIII-68

ELITA (8,56 b.)


5.      Pluto XXI-14

ELITA (8,72 b.)

6.      Siglavy XIII-26

ELITA (8,54 b.)


7.      Siglavy Bagady Bánát

have not finished


8.      SkaRR

ELITA (8,10 b.)


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  • Ing. Péter Görözdi – acting president
  • MVDr. Štefan Karahuta
  • Ing. Michaela Horná, PhD.
  • Ing. Kamil Šulko


  • Ing. Péter Görözdi  – acting president
  • MVDr. Štefan Karahuta
  • Ing. Michaela Horná, PhD.
  • Ing. Kamil Šulko
  • Ing. Michal Horný, PhD.
  • Ing. Samuel Sokol
  • Ing. Emil Kovalčík, PhD.
  • Ing. Juraj Kovalčík
  • Pavol Gašpar


  • MVDr. Oto Naď


  • MVDr. Dušan Solár
  • Ing. Lenka Capeková, PhD. MP a RV SR


  • Ing. Klára Tokovská (PI SR NR)
  • Ing. Pavla Tušková (PI SR NR)


Selection commission for horse breeding MP and RV SR on 13. - 14.10. 2021 carried out Autumn evaluation of breeding of horses in NŽ "Topoľčianky" š.p. 7 Lipizzaner stallions, 44 Lipizzaner breeding mares, 7 Shagya-Arabian stallions, 34 Shagya-Arabian mares, 7 Hucul horse stallions, 26 Hucul horse mares, 1 stallion in breeding of Slovak warmblood, 4 English thoroughbred mares, 2 breeding stallions of the Arabian thoroughbred breed, 2 mares of the Arabian thoroughbred breed, young horses of all breeds up to 3 years, 38 horses in training, 35 sport horses and 5 racehorses owned by NŽ "Topoľčianky" š.p.

The commission positively assessed the readiness of all facilities and horses for the autumn evaluation. All breeding facilities and the surrounding environment were well prepared. The Commission positively assesses the good fitness and health status of horses and hoof trimming, the hoof shoeing and overall appearance of the horses shown, as well as the condition of reproductive performance in all herds, given the introduction of nationwide insemination in the 2021 season (76% fertility).

The Commission positively assessed the zoological measures taken with regard to the herpes virus, internal parasites, disinfection and remediation of stables and pastures for horses, as well as the renovation of the breeding facility Breziny.

The Commission recommends the usage of breeding stallion Siglavy Bagdady VIII in the next breeding season due to his advanced age and the rarity of the line in the herd of Shagya-Arabian mares, as far as possible in view of his age and state of health.

The Commission positively assesses the cooperation with the Marbach State Stud Farm in securing top stallions for the Slovak warm-blooded herd at the National Stud Farm and for private horse breeding.

Employees of NŽ “Topoľčianky“ š.p. ensured the run of the autumn evaluation at a high level. The Commission highlights the correct dressing and professional presentation of the horses, as well as the complete breeding records submitted. During the Autumn evaluation, stallions and young mares were pre-selected for breeding training.

The selection committee appreciates the long-term breeding work in preserving valuable genetic material in the 100-year history of horse breeding, dignified celebrations associated with the international breeding championship of 4 horse breeds with 160 horses from 11 European countries, ending with a gala program.

During the evaluation, there were horses suggested for sale and castration.

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Bringing the book to life: Topoľčianky National Stud Farm 1921 - 2021

zamestnanci web

On the occasion of the celebrations of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the National Stud Farm "Topoľčianky" š.p. a book was published documenting all the important periods and milestones in its existence. It is based on available archival records and maps the events and development of the institution from its inception to the present.

The authors are Michal Horný, Emil Kovalčík, Martina Nittnaus and Dalibor Gregor. The symbolic release took place on September 28, 2021. The oldest rider of the National Stud Farm, Mr. Jozef Haspra, baptized her by sprinkling oats.

Those interested can order the book at the e-mail address

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for the price of EUR 12.

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100th Anniversary of the Foundation of the National Stud Farm Topoľčianky


This year, the National Stud Farm Topoľčianky celebrated one hundred years of its foundation. During its existence, it experienced the most difficult moments, especially during the two world wars. A number of exceptional horses were born in its premises and at the same time a number of exceptional riders and hippological experts emerged from there. At present, it is unique among all European breeding organizations, mainly due to the breeding of up to five breeds of horses - Lipizzaner, Shagya-Arab, Thoroughbred Arab, Hucul horse and Slovak Warmblood.

Dressage Championships of Slovak Republic

Majstrovstvá Slovenskej republiky v drezúre

On July 16-18, 2021, the Slovak Open Dressage Championships took place in the premises of the Topoľčianky National Stud Farm. After the young horses, this time it was the categories of seniors and pony riders.

More than fifty riding pairs from all over Slovakia came to measure their riding ability. Riders from Hungary also supported the event with their participation. During the three competition days, there were open competitions as well as competitions for young horses. Detailed results can be found at , ,

Dressage event in Topoľčianky 12.-13.6.2021

Drezúrne preteky 12.-13.6.2021

The first of the three planned dressage events took place on the premises of the National Stud Farm Topoľčianky on June 12-13, 2021. There were dressage tests from "A" to "S", including classes for young horses.