
Spring breeding evaluation at the National Stud Farm Topoľčianky


The selection committee for horse breeding MPRV SR on the 12th-13th May 2021 carried out the spring breeding evaluation in NŽ "Topoľčianky" š.p. 8 Lipizzaner breeding stallions, 39 Lipizzaner breeding mares, 8 Shagya-Arabian breeding stallions, 35 Shagya-Arabian breeding mares, 7 Hucul horse breeding stallions, 24 Hucul horse breeding mares, 15 Slovak warmblood breeding mares, 4 mares of the Arabian Thoroughbred breed, 2 breeding stallions of the Arabian Thoroughbred breed, young horses of all breeds up to 3 years, 41 horses in training, 45 sport horses and 5 racehorses owned by NŽ “Topoľčianky“ š.p.

Due to the situation regarding COVID-19, the commission worked in compliance with the prescribed hygiene measures.

The commission positively assessed the readiness of all facilities and horses for the spring evaluation. All breeding facilities and the surrounding environment were well prepared. The Commission assesses in particular the good condition and health of the horses and the hoof trimming and shoeing and the overall appearance of the horses shown, as well as the condition of the reproductive performance in all herds at 100% insemination. The Commission approved the mating plans for the 2021 season.

In the herd of the Slovak Warmblood breed, imported insemination doses from the state stud farm Marbach, Germany (stallions Uno I and Doctor Blue), insemination doses of the breeding stallion EMBASY II (owner: Galmabacher - Sport Pferde Zucht, Germany) and fresh ID from the hired stallion DAVOS (owner: State Stud Farm Marbach) are used in the reproduction. These stallions are also offered by the Insemination and Reproduction Centre for owners of mares of the Slovak Warmblood breed in the private breeding.

Horses were selected for the list of sale due to exterior, health and reproductive indicators. Horses included in the list of sale are attached to the minutes.

Employees of NŽ “Topoľčianky“š.p. provided the spring evaluation at a high level. The Commission highlighted the correct staffing and professional presentation of the horses, as well as the complete breeding records submitted.

During the breeding evaluation, stallions and young mares were pre-selected for breeding training. As well as the inclusion of horses on the list of sale.

The horses included in the breeding training:

Conversano XIII-51, kobyla

Siglavy XIII-23, mare

Favory XVIII-3, mare

Favory XVIII-12, mare

O´Bajan V-13, stallion (pre-selected)

Siglavy XIII-26, stallion (pre-selected)

Gazal VIII-21, stallion (pre-selected)

O´Bajan V-32, stallion (pre-selected)

Pluto XXI-14, stallion (pre-selected)

Pluto XXI-20, stallion (pre-selected)

Conversano XIII-68, stallion (pre-selected)

Goral XX-16, mare

Goral XX-17, mare

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Performance tests and pre-selection of the stallions – Topoľčianky 27.05.2021

Výkonnostné skúšky a predvýber žrebcov - Topoľčianky, 27.05.2021

Head of the Committee:

Ing. Péter Görözdy

Members of VK:

Ing. Micaela Horná, PhD.

Ing. Kamil Šulko

Cooperation with the Committee:

Ing. Samuel Sokol, head of the breeding

Ing. Emil Kovalčík, PhD., head of the stud books and marketing


MVDr. Dušan Solár

On May 27, 2021, performance tests of equine gene sources were held at the National Stud Farm - Lipizzaner mares and Hucul horses, together with a pre - selection of stallions. The tests were organized by the National Stud Farm "Topoľčianky", š.p.

Stallion SKARR was preselected (after 1716 Milano from mother 4330 Sabaah El Khebir after Ursus, born 14.06.2015, basic body measurements: 157 / 147.5 / 172 / 19.5 cm) owned by Darina Bartalská, Borinka. The owner of the stallion Siglava Baghdad (HUN), Mr. Róbert Rovný (Nitrianske Pravno) asked for an individual pre-selection of the stallion.

The mares were very well presented and prepared for the tests.

The Committee recommends to the Boards of Hucul horses, Shagya-Arab, Lipizzaner and Arabian Thoroughbred stud books to present and evaluate the horses also in free movement during the performance tests.


1. Goral XX-16

8,31 b. (ELITA)

2. Goral XX-17

8,42 b. (ELITA)

3. Siglavy XIII-23

8,59 b. (ELITA)

4. Favory XVIII-3

8,54 b. (ELITA)

5. Favory XVIII-12

8,58 b. (ELITA)

6. Conversano XIII-51   

8,65 b. (ELITA)

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The Prize of the National Stud Farm Topoľčianky in Show Jumping

Cena Národného žrebčína Topoľčianky v parkúrovom skákaní 2021

The first sporting event at the National Stud Farm after the release of pandemic measures in connection with Covid-19 was a show jumping event on May 22-23, 2021. More than 80 riding pairs were reported, resulting in 120 starts a day.

The cold and rainy May weekend checked the readiness not only of the organizing team, but also of the riders, horses and, last but not least, the jury. The author of the course was an experienced course designer from Czech Republic, Ján Kopiš.

The judging board, which ensured the smooth running of all competitions, was commanded by Anka Virágová, the technical delegate was Ing. Kamil Šulko and other members of the jury were Bibiána Zacharová and Patrik Mikulášik. Many thanks to the sponsors of the event, who presented the winners with interesting material and financial prizes. They were Cavalor, Gazoo, Heineken and the Topoľčianky National Stud Farm.

Five competitions were announced for each day - from 80 cm for young horses or novice riders, to grade M at an obstacle height of 130 cm. In the first competition, 14 starting pairs came together. Tereza Dolinayová and her horse Zidane from JK Poprad Švábovce managed to achieve the smallest deviation from the optimal time. The second place was taken by the home rider Stanislav Chrappa with a 4-year-old mare Ambra, for whom it was the premiere start. The third place was won by Tamara Dorková with her horse Michel from JK Poprad Švábovce.

The competition of the ZM degree continued, at a height of 90 cm. Tamara Dorková won again with her horse Michel from JK Poprad Švábovce in front of the riding pairs from the Czech Republic - Kristýna Lecová on a horse Nina Ricci VZ and Veronika Sloupská on a horse Galilee.

38 horses entered the two-phase jumping with a height of 100/110 cm. Representatives of JK Ranč Palomino Bohunice took the first places. Igor Šulek with Dorian won, Barbora Sokolová took the second place on Cleopatra and again Igor Šulek gained the third place, this time with the Camelot.

This was followed by a competition of grade "L" with a height of 120 cm. The starting list included 20 pairs. The fastest was Igor Šulek and Dorian from JK Ranč Palomino Bohunice. More than five seconds behind him, Maroš Kuchár on a horse Hawaii from JK TJ Slávia STU Bratislava. However, the same rider with the horse Hella Calida also took third place.

The Topoľčianky National Stud Prize was a "M" grade competition with the prizemoney of EUR 500. Only four pairs fought their way to the jump-off, and only two of them managed to keep a clean sheet. The first and second place was won by Igor Šulek with horses Lafibolus and Crack from JK Ranch Palomino Bohunice. The third place was won by the pair Maroš Kuchár and Hella Calida from JK TJ Slávia STU Bratislava.

It started at 90 cm on Sunday. Stanislav Chrappa and Ambra became the best pair. The second place was taken by Vanessa Sallai and the horse Reunion from KPKRJ Rimavská Sobota and the third place went to Veronika Sloupská and Galilea from Czech Republic.

The second competition on Sunday was jumping up to 100 cm at the optimal time. Laura Chmelíková and North Star X-8 from TJ Žrebčín Motešice won among 35 pairs with an excellent time difference of 0.4 s. Tamara Dobiášová and Ally from JK Trenčín Nozdrkovce finished in second place. The third place was taken by Barbora Sokolová with the horse Dragon Fly from JK Ranč Palomino Bohunice.

The obstacles rose to 110 cm and continued with the ZL level against the clock. The first prize went to Igor Šulek with his horse Camelot, followed by Laura Chmelíková and North Star X-8 from TJ Žrebčín Motešice. Dušan Miloslav Bucov and Quick van den Bosdai from JŠ Topoľčianky took the third place.

At the height of 120 cm, the fastest was Igor Šulek and Dorian from JK Ranch Palomino Bohunice. Simon Hlocký from JŠ Topoľčianky placed right behind him and Igor Šulek with horse Crack from JK Ranč Palomino Bohunice gained the third place.

The race culminated on a level M competition, where the obstacles rose to 130 cm. 14 riding pairs fought, six of them completed the course without penalty points and thus proceeded to the jump-off. Igor Šulek and Lafibolus from the Palomino Bohunice Ranch won with the fastest time and without penalty points. Second place went to team colleague Barbora Sokolová with horse Clifin and the third place went to Marián Sýkora with horse Andigo WPZ from JK ZCHKS Topoľčianky.

Congratulations to all of them once again and we wish you good health and good sports performances during the rest of the season.

Výsledky sobota (22.05.2021):

1. "80" optimálny čas

2. "90" optimálny čas

3. "100/110" dvojfázové skákanie

4. "L" na čas


 Výsledky nedeľa (23.05.2021):

6. "ZM" optimálny čas

7. "Z" optimálny čas

8. "ZL" na čas

9. "L" na čas


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Symbolic opening of the breeding and sports season 2021

IMG 8566

On 1st May, National Stud Farm "Topoľčianky" š.p. has traditionally opened the breeding and sports season of 2021. Due to pandemic measures, as last year, the gala program, usually with a backdrop of 15,000 spectators, has turned into a symbolic program without the presence of visitors. However, all horse lovers had the opportunity to watch this opening online on the National Stud Farm website.

This season, the calendar includes a number of interesting sports and breeding events. We believe that the restrictions related to the Covid-19 pandemic will allow us to organize all planned events and that they will be available to the public.


Calendar of the events for the year 2021



Family trips to the National Stud Farm



National Stud Farm Award - show jumping competitions



National Stud Farm Award - dressage competitions



Slovak Championship of young horses in dressage



Dressage Championship of Slovak Republic in pony riders and seniors



CAN ** H1, H2; Golden horseshoe, driving competitions



Horse racing



Celebrations of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the National Stud Farm



Endurance race






St. Nicholas in the National Stud Farm

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Vaulting at the National Stud Farm Topoľčianky

Voltíž v Národnom žrebčíne Topoľčianky

Vaulting is an equestrian discipline that consists of gymnastic and acrobatic exercises on an unsaddled horse. It provides an excellent basis for the later development of other riding disciplines. Children and young people are mainly involved in vaulting. It develops their movement talent, instils in them a responsibility in the form of caring for a living creature and opens up opportunities for them that can develop into a successful sports career of the individual. 

The vaulting department in the Riding Club at the Topoľčianky National Stud Farm is one of the long-standing and stable entities in Slovakia. They started their activities in June 1993 under the leadership of coach Alena Matúšková. In 2005, after her departure, she was replaced by Boris Kodak, who still heads the vaulting department to this day. During this period, they raised many successful trainees and trained a large number of excellent vaulting horses. At the national level, they hold championship medals in various categories almost every year, and horses are steadily winning the title of "Horse of the Year". Their performances are also competitive in international competitions, where in the junior categories they gain a qualification for the European Championships and the World Championships, in which they have already participated several times successfully.

Behind every medal won is a hill of hard work. Trainings are not only about exercise on a horseback, but also about intensive fitness and gymnastic training. In addition to preparing children, trainer and lounger Boris Kodak is also in charge of preparing vaulting horses. He is currently working with three horses of the Slovak Warmblood breed - Leon, Lea and Betty.

We bring you an interview about how coach Boris Kodak perceives his work.

  • Boris, you have been leading the vaulting department at the Topoľčianky National Stud Farm for 16 years. What does work with youth mean to you?

To work with youth is very interesting, mainly because it is very diverse. Every child is different, everyone needs to be worked on individually and each one will bring something new to the section. Everyone has a different nature; everyone finds motivation elsewhere and everyone needs a different approach. We work with girls differently and boys differently. Unfortunately, over the years of my practice with children, I have seen a general decline in young people's interest in sports and any physical activity in general. High activity on social networks, nothing to do and boredom is a modern lifestyle of many teenagers. It is becoming increasingly difficult to arouse their interest in sports, to which the restrictions related to the Covid-19 pandemic situation also make a significant contribution. Last year, I had two recruits scheduled to join the department, one in the spring and the other in autumn. I was forced to cancel both due to the Covid-19 situation. I believe that this year the situation will improve and life will return to normal. I have had very good experience in the past with cooperation with primary schools. Personal meetings with students in the classroom worked for me. Many have no idea what vaulting is and that such a thing even exists. In a personal presentation, children are more easily motivated to come and see the training and get an idea of ​​what it entails.

  • • What awaits a newcomer who decides to try vaulting?

Each new member must go through the so-called familiarization process. They will get acquainted with the environment, we will show him where is what situated and explain how to move with the horses. They will gradually get acquainted with the training system and vaulting terminology. It's a lot of information to start with. Acquiring it is a time-consuming process. In addition to the physical training of the exerciser, taking care for the horse is an integral part. Children learn to clean horses and learn daily handling. The older ones know how to tack them, and later, after gaining sufficient experience and skills, many of them also ride in a saddle and go for walks in the woods with a coach.

  • How does a newcomer become a competitor?

For every athlete, the greatest motivation is to go to a competition and compare own performance with others. This is also the direction of our activities. Vaulting has many age categories and 6–7-year-old children can also compete in walk. Regardless of the category, we train the technique of demonstrating individual exercises during training. Gymnastic and fitness training is very important. As for the freestyle of individuals, the children prepare their own so-called the skeleton of the set and then we fine-tune it together with regard to the sporting level and strength of the individual. Last but not least, costumes and music also play a role in the evaluation of the performance. We always try to reconcile them so that it is on one topic. I usually design the costumes by myself, we fine-tune the details together with the children and the tailor. Finding the right music is also a time- consuming process. Sometimes it happens that after a week of searching, during the training you find out that it simply does not fit, so the whole process starts again. When we have it all set together and the children know how to practice their sets to music and within the time limit in training, they become competitors. They go to national competitions and when they show their potential, they move to the international level and become representatives. It's a long and difficult process and not every child gets this far. In addition to the preparation of individuals, we also deal with the category of “pas de deux” and “squad”. It is more difficult, because there are already two or three exercisers on the horse at the same time.

  • What is the training of “pas de deux” and “squad” about?

The preparation process has basically the same principle as for individuals - to put together a choreography of a freestyle which must be appropriate to the abilities of the exercisers, to find a suitable theme, music, costumes... and of course the horse. For a squad, the horse must be specially prepared must be able to carry three exercisers that move all over his body is not easy, must be resistant to external disturbing, and must have a regular gallop. During some movements, the exercisers are up to 5-6 meters high, any sharper movement of the horse or irregularity in the gallop disturbs their balance and may threaten to fall. However, until we get with the choreography on the horse in the gallop, it is preceded by training on the ground, then on the horse simulator, followed by the horse in walk and only then we gradually start in gallop. For pas de deux and squad, I try to choose children, who are already more efficient and experienced and can hold each other and merge. Reconciling one group of six children is quite difficult. To decide who will be the "holder" and who will be the "flier" takes all year round.

  • • What does the winter preparation look like?

Our sports season ends with the Championships of Slovak Republic, which always take place in September. In October we start with winter training. We begin with a kind of sport-camp that takes 4-5 days. Mostly I plan it somewhere in the Tatras, in a nice mountain environment, where we have a swimming pool, gym and also the possibility of recreational activities. In addition to fitness training, children will gain a lot of experiences and at the same time strengthen the team. Horses have more relaxation during this period, which they really deserve after a demanding sports season. They go for walks, give them massages and make full use of the horse solarium that we have at our disposal. We work with the children on changes in the line-ups, or on new themes and musical accompaniments for the next season. We focus more on fitness and gymnastics training. We use the covered space between the two stables as a gym. We can bring a horse simulator, trampoline, mats here and we can also use gymnastic rings here. The outdoor area provides plenty of opportunities and space for running, which develops the cardiovascular system, teaches children to breathe properly under load and, last but not least, has a positive effect on the psyche. We also focus on strengthening, of course, everything appropriate to the age and physical condition of children. In cooperation with a gymnastics trainer and also a fitness instructor, we focus on exercises that contribute to the overall physical development and at the same time help to improve performance on the horse.

  • An inseparable part of the vaulting is, of course, the horse. You have three horses available in training. Tell us what they are like, how do you find working with them?

I get young horses for vaulting training after basic training under the saddle. They have no experience on the lounge, neither with vaulting tack nor with children. They have to learn everything. Basically, I choose horses of bigger frame so they are able to carry a squad in the future and they must have a good character. Leon is a 9-year-old gelding after Dorman du Puy from his mother Lord Inci Tatus 16. I started working with him when he was 4 years old. After a year he completed the first national competition and after the next year he was able to gallop with the squad. Full of worries, I took him to the competition under the squad and he was immediately rated as the best horse of the event. It has been competing internationally since 2019. He is our darling, children love him. Lea is also 9 years old and she is Leon's half-sister - after Dorman du Puy from her mother Lord Inci Tatus 6. They came to the vaulting training at once. We train individuals and pas de deux on her and we started rehearsing a squad as well. She already has experience at the international level. The third mare is the youngest in the training, her name is Betty. She is 7 years old, after Quirado from her mother Boris du Melnire 19. She completed the first competition last year and I was very happy with her. She has an excellent character; she is obedient and hardworking. I would like her to gallop with the squad in the future.

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     In the breeding season 2020, the National Stud Farm "Topoľčianky" registered as the manager of traditional horse breeds shagya-arab, Hucul horse, Lipizzaner and Arabian thoroughbred, at the request of the owners of mares 32 born foals (Table 1). Of this:

(a)   6 Shagya Arabian foals

(b)   19 Arabian thoroughbred foals

(c)   1 Lipizzaner foal

(d)   6 foals of the Hucul horse breed

         The number of registered foals in 2020 decreased significantly compared to 2019. In 2019, 78 foals were registered. The number of newly registered breeding mares recorded a slight increase compared to 2019.

         24 horses were imported to Slovakia:

               - 15 Arabian thoroughbred horses  

               - 4 horses of the Hucul horse breed

               - 1 Lipizzaner horse  

               - 2 Shagya-arabian horses

               - 2 Arabian horses


Tab. 1:

Numbers of registered foals by a breed in individual years


Number of registered foals































(shagya-arab, + or 1/1)





















Tab. 2: Numbers of breeding mares registered in stud books in the private sector














Shagya-arab, arab




Arab thoroughbred









Tab. 3: Numbers of imported Arabian thoroughbred horses in 2016 – 2020







Number of imported horses







Tab.4: Newly registered horses of gene resources in studbooks in 2020



Horses of the National Stud Farm Topoľčianky

Private Breeding


Newly registered foals

Newly registered mares

Newly registered stallions

Newly registered foals

Newly registered mares

Newly registered stallions































Shagya-arab (arab)








Arab thoroughbred


















        We must continue to state that the performance tests of mares are largely absent in private breeding. Due to the pandemic situation, tests of stallions owned by private breeders were not performed.

        Mares in private breeding were classified only on the basis of type, exterior and mechanics of movement. In 2020, we recorded an increase in the number of newly registered breeding mares in studbooks (21 mares).

       On 2.7. 2020, tests of the performance of horses from genetic resources were held at the National Stud Farm. 8 stallions successfully passed the tests. The autumn performance tests took place on November 5, 2020 and were successfully passed by 5 horses, 2 mares and 3 stallions owned by the National Stud Farm.

        In connection with the support of horse breeding through the "Rural Development Plan", breeders of traditional breeds asked the National Stud Farm to issue a certificate of registration of horses in the PK on the basis of meeting the requirements of the valid statutes of PK for individual breeds. The National Stud Farm "Topoľčianky", a state-owned company, complied with all requests and in 2020 73 certificates were issued for breeders involved in the project.

        In 2020, the Studbook Office confirmed 67 changes of owners, issued 88 certificates of the origin of horses, issued 89 passports and, together with the Chairman of the Selection Committee, confirmed the selection for breeding by 36 breeding stallions in private breeding.

        As of 31 December 2020, the Studbook Office registered in its database 764 breeders and owners of horses and 2502 actively living horses from the breeds whose studbooks it maintains (Table 5).

Tab. 5: Numbers of registered horses, breeders - breeds and acts of the National Stud





Arab thoroughbred


Total number of horses in the database






Number of horses in the database living within 1.12.2020






Number of registered breeds (owners) until 31.12.2020






Number of issued certificates of origin (POP) in 2020






Number of issued passports in 2020






Number of issued confirmations PPA in 2020



Number of owner changes in 2020





            In 2020, there were 36 breeding stallions licenced and included in breeding:

  1. 12 shagya-arab breeding stallions
  2. 16 arab thoroughbred breeding stallions
  3. 2 Lipizzaner breeding stallions
  4. 6 Hucul breeding stallions

       The situation in the number of breeding stallions in individual breeds is still favourable in terms of quality, age structure, geographical distribution of stallions and their tribal, respectively line representation. The number of stallions included in the 2020 season remained at the level of the previous year 2019 (35 breeding stallions).

         In conclusion, it can be stated that the interest of breeders in traditional breeds and gene reserves is stable. The level of breeding material is balanced. The percentage of mares admitted from the breeding population continues to be affected by the economic crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic, which is reflected in particular in the sale of horses. The goal of breeders remains the production of quality and healthy breeding, sports, respectively recreational and "hobby" horses for everyday use, development of agrotourism, development of tourism in the region and building a positive attitude of young people to nature.

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The breeding season in horse breeding begins on 1st February 2021. Even this year, the National Stud Farm "Topoľčianky", š.p. as a guarantor of breeds Lipizzaner, Hucul horse, Shagya-Arab and Arabian Thoroughbred and offers to the breeders a wide selection of insemination doses of fresh and deep-frozen sperm from stallions of these breeds, as well as Slovak warmblood breeds through the Insemination and Reproduction Centre Krásny Majer with European number ISŽ-001.

Siglava XVIII Torysa will be the new main breeding stallion for Lipizzaner. The stallion is a representative of the Piber branch of Siglava IV Bona. Mother 588 Torysa comes from Theodorost's family. The stallion passed performance tests in the ELITA class (8.8 points, 2006). He was tested in sports dressage, where he reached the grade "S". He won a bronze medal three times at the Slovak Championships. He has also been tested at the Classical School of Topoľčianky, quadrille and classical movements above the ground.

From the Hucul stallions, a representative of the Slovak tribe Gurgul was newly included. The breeding stallion Gurgul XVI passed the performance tests in the Elite class. He comes from the stallion Gurgul XIII from mother 729 Oušor III-49. Among others, there will also be benefits from shagya-arab stallions Gazal X and Shagya XXXV. Of the Arabian thoroughbred stallions, we draw attention to the breed stallion Tobrok IV (Uzaar), which is a representative of the pure Egyptian branch from the side of the father (Tobrok), but also the mother (Unia po Al Sachra Kaythoom).

Based on the long-term and successful cooperation of the Topoľčianky National Stud Farm with the international organization ESSA (European Association of State Stud Farms), which unites 30 state stud farms from various countries throughout Europe, Slovak Warmblood owners will be offered insemination benefits from three excellent stallions from the State Stud Farm Marbach. Marbach is the oldest German stud farm with a tradition of breeding since the 17th century. Producers of fresh insemination doses will be stallions DAVOS, DOCTOR BLUE and UNO I.


Davos is a Westphalian warmblood born in 2010, a bay of a massive body with a stick height at the withers of 170 cm.

During the stallion performance tests, he convinced by his excellent rideability and talent for dressage, as well as for show jumping. He was awarded a grade of 9 for overall impression, gallop and jump. He gives spirited offspring of a large frame, well-muscled, with strong gaits and cadence.

His father Danone I is one of the most important sons of the world-famous dressage horse producer De Niro. Combined with Weltmeyer blood, it's a guarantee of dressage quality. In all three basic gaits, he shows good expression, high action of the front legs and fantastic activity of the hind limbs. The amazing ability for collection is visible in his every move. He has won several GP-level competitions in his sports career. He is the producer of many successful horses in dressage - Damaschino, Dolton, Danönchen, Dante Weltino and many others.

The mother of the stallion Fantasie (a state-awarded Westphalian mare) and the grandmother have already given several licensed stallions who have been successful in sports at the Grand Prix level. Rosenquarz, Florentianer, Licosto and several sport horses and winning premium mares also came from the mentioned family.

The mother's father, Fidermark, is considered the best son of the world-famous dressage horse producer Florestan. In 1995 he won the performance tests with a total score of 141.74 points and a year later he won the category of 4-year-old stallions at the Bundeschampionate. In 2000, he qualified for the finals of the Nürnberger Burgpokal and reached the level of the Grand Prix. He became the father of 39 licensed sons, including Fürst Piccolo, Feinsinn, Falsterbo, Fiano, Farewell I to IV and Fidertanz.


Uno I is a Holstein warmblood born in 2015. A dark bay horse with a height of 172 cm at the withers.

He won convincingly in the foal category in 2015 and became the reserve champion of the Holstein pre-selection in 2017. As a 4-year-old, he won the jumping horses, convincing with his appearance, abilities and rideability. For the jump in freedom, he received a high mark of 9. He was also highly rated for interior and character with marks of 9. He transmits his type, modern jumping expression, dynamic and elastic gaits to his highly acclaimed descendants.

His father Uriko comes from the most important line of stallions after Almé Z. The representative of this line was also the successful Topoľčianky stallion Rubín (after Ascot, 1982; from mother 576 Robinson-29), a member of the winning German team at the 2010 European Youth Riders Championship in French Marnes la Coquette. Its rider was the talented, 20-year-old Patrick Stühlmeyer.

Uriko passed a 70-day stallion test in the fall of 2011. He received a grade of 9.25 for gallop and 8.83 for a jump. His overall rating was 130 points. Uriko embodies the type of modern jumper, whose exterior meets the requirements of the Holstein breeding stallion. He had an impressive sports career with the rider Maximilian Gräf. He has scored six victories and several valuable S-level placements. He is extremely successful in breeding. He gave several licensed sons, including the winner of the pre-selection in 2016.

The father of mother, Colman, is one of the biggest stars among stallions. He is the father of 145 successful sport horses at the S level. He has given more than 40 licensed sons; a number of premium mares and his offspring is often a blockbuster auction. One of the most successful sports offspring is certainly the mare Zapria, which took part in the World Equestrian Games in Tryon with Bronislav Chudyb in 2018. The Holstein line has recently been in the spotlight thanks to the phenomenal Casall and Rolf-Göran Bengtsson (SWE).


Doctor Blue is a Westphalian warmblood, a grey, born in 2016, with a height at the withers of 168 cm.

This "Jumping Specialist", as they call him, excels in a distinctive and correct body structure. He has excellent movement mechanics (he gained 9.5 points for a gallop) and a jumping technique. In the 50-day test, he was awarded as the best three-year-old stallion with high marks, especially for his riding (9 points), which convinced the evaluators and foreign riders.

His origins are excellent: his father Durango VDL after Zirocco Blue or Lux Z and the legendary thoroughbred Lucky Boy XX predestine him for high jumping. He was successful at the international level 3 * with various riders. Durango VDL, was one of the first licensed sons after Zirocco Blue. He has an excellent spacious gallop and is very attentive in the jump. He received a mark of 8.5 for gallop, rideability and character. He was the reserve champion of the autumn performance tests of stallions. Its own sports performance is 150 cm.

The sire of dam Donna, stallion Veron VDL (KWPN), is an elegant stallion with a good jumping expression and a noble head. Father of Veron VDL, stallion Quite Easy I is the son of stallion Quidam de Revel, who is known from international arenas with proven offspring.

Based on cooperation with representatives of German breeders' associations and the company GALMBACHER SPORT PFERDE ZUCHT, the Topoľčianky National Stud Farm can offer Slovak breeders the absolute world leader this season. Frozen insemination doses of the phenomenal Hanoverian stallion EMBASSY II.


Embassy II - Hanoverian stallion born in 2001 is a black bay with a massive body structure, with a height of 170 cm.

In 2012, he was not only the most successful licensed stallion from German breeding, but also one of the most successful jumping horses born in Germany. In the saddle with successful Hans Dieter Dreher, who was his rider from 2011 to 2019, he recorded a dizzying sports career at the international level of world jumping sport. Together they gained many victories and placements at the level of 160 cm.

In 2012, they won the Nations Cup in Calgary CSIO5 * (CAN) and Embassy II won a special prize as the best horse of the Hanoverian breeding event. They also won other valuable championships in the Grand Prix at CSI4 * in Braunschweig (GER) and at CSI3 * in Munich (GER). In the following season in 2013, they were again part of the winning team in the Nations Cup in Rotterdam CSIO5 * (NED). He also confirmed his qualities by winning the World Cup at CSI4 * in Stuttgart (GER) and the Grand Prix at CSIO5 * in Aachen (GER). Other triumphs of their careers certainly include the first place in the World Cup at CSI5 * in Leipzig (GER) in 2014, at CSI3 * in Mannheim (GER) in 2017, as well as victories in the 2018 Grand Prix at CSIO5 * in Rotterdam (NED) and at CSI3 * in Donaueschingen (GER). He also has countless placements up to the third place at the world-class sport events.

Embassy II attracts attention with its hardness, speed, jumping power and ambitious diligence. As great as he was in sports, he is also great in breeding. The offspring have its energetic expression and strong movement in their blood. They are often placed in the top places at breeding exhibitions, in various categories, as winning, rewarded and "golden foals". Several times his offspring has become the winner of the "GALMBACHER SPZ" foal championship. In 2014, his descendants won foal shows in the Netherlands and Belgium. There is great interest in them and they attract attention at international auctions. The oldest representatives of its genes gradually grow into a higher jumping sport and high hopes are placed in them. The first international representative at the international level is the daughter Emely, who was extremely successful in the categories of young horses in the 2013 and 2014 seasons.

Embassy II is the most successful descendant of his father Escudo I, who worked in the Celle stud farm. Escudo I was named Hanoverian Stallion of the Year in 2009. He won the performance tests in Adelheidsdorf in 1994 with a total mark for the jump of 144.9 points. He was also awarded the Freiherr von Stenglin Prize as the best stallion in his age category. Since then, he has been included in the Hanoverian breeding program for jumping horses. Escudo I has a successful sports career. In 1996 he became the winner of the Hanoverian Championships in jumping and won a silver medal at the Bundeschampion in Warendorf. He has 65 S-level victories. According to the Hanoverian Studbook 2020, Escudo I gave 760 horses that are actively in sports. There are 693 jumpers - 129 at the S level, 178 dressage horses, 5 of them reached the S level and 37 horses competing in eventing.

The mother of the stallion, Sammy Jo, is an interesting combination of Holstein, Oldenburg and Hanoverian breeding. The mother's father, Silvio, best known for his son Shutterfly, is the grandson of the thoroughbred Sacramento Song. Even in the mother's origin, the blood of the rare Arabian stallion Amurath (1881) also appears through the Hanoverian stallion Wohlklang.

Embassy II is the product of one of the most successful Hanoverian jumping studs, which belongs to Dr. Jacobs GbR. Along with Embassy II, Dr. Karl-Otto Jacobs and his daughter Bonny-Jasmin Jacobs, also bred the stallion Firth of Clyde (For Pleasure / Caletto) and the stallion of the State Stud Farm Celle - Perigueux (Perpignon / Stakkato). The breeding program of this family gave rise to more licensed stallions: El Bundy (Escudo / Rebel Z), champion of performance tests; Cassillias (Contendro / Stakkato); Sampras (Stakkato / Achill-Libero H) and Stakko (Stakkato / Embassy).

Embassy I, the older brother of Embassy II, is a successful stallion of the Celle stud farm. While Embassy II was the star of the Grand Prix and World Cups, Embassy I ended his sports career at the 130 cm level and began to be active in breeding. He is the producer of 306 horses active in sports, of which 2 horses competing in dressage at the S level and 29 jumpers. However, his most successful offspring is the mare FRH Escada, competing in eventing. She was a member of the winning German team with Ingrid Klimke at the European Championships in Malmö in 2013 and in the teams at the World Equestrian Games in Caen in 2014. Embassy I has 11 licensed sons.

There is another licensed brother, Embassy III, who also worked at Celle Stud Farm from 2007 to 2010 before being exported to Canada. So far, he has fathered 24 offspring who are active in sports.

In the case of mares inseminated at the National Stud Farm Topoľčianky by the above stated stallions operating in the Slovak Warmblood breeding, the price of the insemination dose also includes the fee for the examination of the mare with a sonograph and the insemination operation itself.

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FOTO: Archív GALMBACHER Sport Pferde Zucht
FOTO: Archív Žrebčín Marbach, Archiv Boiselle, Stephan Kube, Maximilian Schreiner




Doctor Blue:


Embassy II:


At the time of significant imports of Oriental horses in the first half of the 19th century, a significant number of Arabian stallions were imported into Europe. The Bábolna stud farm played an important role in this area. But not only this important stud farm was engaged in the breeding of Arabian horses at the time. The Royal Weil Stud Farm, founded by King Wilhem I of Württemberg, was also aware of their importance. Baron von Fechtig was commissioned to purchase stallions for the stud farm. He acquired two stallions through his mediator in the Oriente for the royal stables in May 1817. They were the stallions TAJAR (1805) and BAIRACTAR (1813).

Tajar was immediately included in the breeding. Bairactars did not find his job in breeding until 1918. However, he still stood in the shadow of Tajara, who was assigned twice the number of mares. From 1920 to 1824, Bairactar was in the service of the king as an excellent riding horse. In 1825 he was included as the main breeding stallion and bred mostly imported Arabian mares. He was very prolific and left more than 200 descendants. He died from a colic on February 17, 1839. He was so special that the king himself mentioned him in his memoirs. Its skeleton was dedicated to the veterinary school in Stuttgart and in the 1980s it was transported to the Offenhausen stud farm (near Marbach), where it is still on display today.

Bairactar (Saklawi line) has left a large genetic footprint in the world's population of Shagya-Arab horses.

An important representative from the Bairactar line is the successor - the stallion AMURATH, born in 1881 in Weil after the stallion Tajar (1873) from the mother Koheila III (1876). The stallion Amurath was moved to the stud farm Radovec (Romania), where he left behind considerable offspring. His blood still appears today in the origins of shagya-arab horses in the world.

After the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy, 22 breeding mares were imported to the stud farm in Topoľčianky, in whose origins he figured from the sire's side, and also from  the dam’s side stallion Amurath (1881). The mares came from the Radovec stud farm (Romania) - 15 mares, from the Piber stud farm - 1 mare, from the Dolná Arma stud farm (Slovakia) - 2 mares and from the Pohořeliche Provincial Stud Farm (Czech Republic) - 1 mare.

The Amurath stallion was so popular that most imported mares also have their father and mother origins.

The blood of this line was not built into the new breeding herd of Shagya-Arabian mares in Topoľčianky not only through the dams, but also through the imported stallions in whose origins of the Amurath blood was found.

They were the following imported - founding stallions:

From the Radovec stud farm (Romania):

  • • Shagya II (1914) from mother 168 Amurath
  • • Shagya III (1916) from mother 162 Amurath
  • • Amurath Shagya (1916) from mother 360 Shagya X
  • • Dahoman I (1917) from mother 38 Gidran XXXI

From the Bábolna stud farm (Hungary)

  • • Siglava Baghdad (1956) from mother 95 Shagya XXVII
  • • Shagya VII (1930) from mother 74 Shagya XVI
  • • Gazal (1940) from mother 143 Shagya XXV-16
  • • Siglava (1941) from his mother 167 Shagya XXVI
  • • Koheilan (1936) from mother 98 Kadi-14

From the Houstoň na Šumave stud farm (Czech Republic)

  • • Siglava VIII (1924) from his mother 107 Amurath
  • • Dahoman IV (1935) from his mother 75 Shagya

According to the records in the studbooks, the offspring of these stallions were very harmonious, with correct exterior and excellent gaits.

To this day, this rare blood is preserved in the origins of horses from the National Stud Farm, but also in the origins of horses of private breeders in Slovakia.

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National Stud Farm "Topoľčianky", š.p. was authorized on 10 December 1997 by the Ministry of Agriculture of the Slovak Republic pursuant to the provisions of § 4 of the Act of the Slovak National Council no. 110/1972 Coll. as amended by Act SNR no. 256/1991 Coll. "On the breeding of livestock" by leading a studbook of purebred Arabian horses under authorization number 48/1997.

Since that year, the National Stud Farm, as the guarantor of the mentioned horse breed in Slovakia and its representative to foreign countries, performs all the functions that result from its position, both within the Slovak Republic and abroad, through its membership in the international organization WAHO. He registers Arabian thoroughbred horses and also represents Slovak private breeders in this organization, for which he pays an annual membership fee, which is set by WAHO based on the number of born and duly registered Arabian thoroughbred foals born in Slovakia.

In cooperation with international member countries and WAHO rules, it issues export certificates and registers all duly reported imported Arabian thoroughbred horses imported into Slovak Republic. In accordance with the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/262, Regulation (EU) 2016/1012 of the European Parliament and of the Council and in cooperation with the Decree of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Slovak Republic on identification and registration of equidae, identifies, registers horses and issues passports and certificates of origin for all Arabian horses born in Slovakia. At the same time, the National Stud Farm maintains a database of Arabian thoroughbred horses, which is widely available to breeders and published online on the official website of the National Stud Farm "Topoľčianky", š.p.

In the breeding of Arabian thoroughbreds in Slovakia, we have seen an increase in the interest of breeders in this breed in recent years, as evidenced by the fact that 16 Arabian thoroughbred breeding stallions were licensed this year, and only 10 Shagya-arab stallions in land breeding. Twelve Arabian thoroughbred stallions were imported to Slovakia from various countries such as Syria, Italy, Poland, Russia, Hungary and the Czech Republic. Four stallions come from Slovak breeding. Overall, the number of imported Arabian thoroughbred horses also increased. In the last 5 years, 104 Arabian horses were imported, while only 37 horses were exported from Slovakia.

As of 31 December 2020, the National Stud Farm registered 219 breeders and 569 Arabian thoroughbred horses in its database. The number of born and properly registered Arabian thoroughbred foals is also growing every year. This increase is a pleasing fact for the development of this breed.

Organized breeding of Arabian thoroughbreds in Slovakia began with the import of Arabian stallions and mares to the National Stud Farm in 1973 from the Egyptian stud farm El Zahra and later, after 1989 it successfully spread to the private sector.

The basis of breeding in Slovakia were imported original Egyptian stallions and mares. Due to imports and diverse variability of origins, the original Egyptian origin of horses is currently a rarity and a sought-after item. At present, the owners focus more on fashion trends, such as the colour of blackbirds, but there are breeders who know how to appreciate the homogeneity of origin and the genetic contribution of original Egyptian horses.

For the second year in a row, the National Stud Farm has also offered an exceptional Arabian stallion of Egyptian origin, the UZAAR stallion.

UZAAR (Tobrok IV) is a 6-year-old stallion, born from insemination after the legendary stallion Tobrok. The stallion TOBROK (Anter - Tanta, 1966) from the line Gamil El Kebir, left 140 offspring in the stud farm. After him, there were several stallions and breeding Shagya-arabian mares, which became the elite of the breeding core. His son Hamadan (Tobrok - Felfela, 1980) became the father of excellent breeding mares awarded at international championships, but also the father of the breeding stallion Unikát (Hamadan - El Hamza, 1989), which acted in the breeding of stud farms.

The stallion's dam is the mare Unia after Al Sachra Kytho (from the line El Deree, 1920) from the Ukrainian mother (after Hamadan).

The pedigree of this stallion is crossed by the stallion Hamadan (1980) through the stallion Tobrok, the bearer of constitutional hardness and endurance. It is these origins that are valued today mainly by breeders focusing on the production of horses for endurance riding.

The UZAAR stallion passed the performance tests at the National Stud Farm in 2018, in the Elite class. He was highly rated for type and exterior and received a mark of 8.55 points. In 2020 he was included in the breeding program of the National Stud Farm under the tribal designation TOBROK IV. The stallion has excellent fertility and this year there will be 11 shagya-arab foals born after him.

The Uzaar stallion, based on its origin and exterior, won the WAHO TROPHY award last year for the best Arabian thoroughbred breeding stallion in Slovakia.

In this breeding season, the stallion will act in the Insemination and Reproduction Centre of the National Stud Farm Krásny Majer and its insemination doses are available to breeders of Arabian thoroughbreds, but also Shagya-arab mares.

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Life at the National Stud Farm during the COVID-19 pandemic

Life at the National Stud Farm during the COVID-19 pandemic

A global pandemic caused by Covid-19 has marked the lives of most people on the planet. Significant changes in the way of life as a result of the imposed restrictions have largely crippled everything that has so far been taken for granted. The loss of social contacts, closed schools, companies, shops, a significant reduction in sports and cultural activities ... all this has led to a fundamental slowdown in our lives. Despite this difficult period, the breeding activity of the National Stud Farm "Topoľčianky" did not feel any slowdown.

Horses are live animals and need daily care regardless of the existence of a pandemic. The Jazdiareň training centre has 78 horses of various ages, genders, breeds, training levels and sports specializations. In addition to routine care, such as feeding, cleaning and mucking out, each animal is given individual care.

The main priority is to work with young horses, which includes breaking under the saddle, basic schooling under the saddle and also in a carriage, in order to prepare for the prescribed performance tests. Currently, four Lipizzaner stallions, four Lipizzaner mares, two Hucul mares and three Shagya-Arab stallions are included in this training. After successfully passing the tests, the mares will rejuvenate and strengthen the breeding herds and the stallions become reserve breeding stallions. Based on the physical talent of individuals, they are included in sports testing. Lipizzan breed in driving or dressage, and also in the Classical school of Topoľčianky. Shagya-arab finds its application in endurance disciplines.

Thirteen horses of the Slovak warmblood breed which are currently included in the basic training - eight mares, three geldings and two stallions. Six of them will strengthen the sports dressage or show jumping department in the spring. In addition to sports testing, mares born in 2017 are getting preparing for performance tests of warm-blooded mares for future inclusion in the breeding herd of the Slovak warmblood horses.

The most numerous sport department is dressage. It consists of thirteen horses - nine Lipizzans and four Slovak warmbloods. In the season 2021, their ranks will be expanded by another four horses of the Slovak Warmblood breed. Talented stallion Loretto (2017) after Royal Dance from mother after Lapaz, a mare Lotty (2017) after Caesar van de Helle from mother after Lapaz, a mare Bonnavi (2017) after Dorman du Puy from mother after Boris du Melnire and a mare Pet (2014) after Quirado from mother after Papillon. Two Lipizzaner stallions after the performance tests, Favory XVIII-19 (2014) and Pluto XXI-9 (2016), will be included in the sports testing of the dressage department.

The driving department registers a total of 12 horses, eight Lipizzaner horses in sports testing in the Jazdiareň training centre and three others in the Hostie breeding facility. Sled testing currently focuses mainly on mares. This season, the new mare Asinta (2014) will be among them.

Also, the show jumping department, which currently registers three sport mares, will be expanded by a young mare named Ambra (2017) after Dorman du Puy from mother after Alexander der Grosse.

The vaulting department has three horses. Among the most experienced ones in sports are the gelding Leon (2012) after Dorman du Puy from mother after Lord Inci Tatus and his sister Lea (2012). Last year, the mare Betty after Quirado, from mother after Boris du Melnire, entered the vaulting testing.

In endurance, the gelding Syglam (Dahoman XI-78) 2009 and two mares Gazal V-12 (2008) and Kuhailan Urkub I-33 (2016) are included in the sports testing.

There are currently eighteen stallions of the Lipizzaner breed of various ages and specializations in the Classical School of Topoľčianky. Some work in a quadrille, others focus on training challenging exercises above the ground, such as capriola, curbete, levade or pesade. Three more stallions are preparing for the performances, Pluto XX-27, Conversano XIII-60 and Neapolitano XIV-16. Very popular are the five unique blackbirds after the Croatian stallion operating in Topoľčianky, Conversano XIII Toplica. During the Open Day, visitors could watch them in a festive gala program while performing the exercises of the Classical School of Topoľčianky.

Life did not stop even on breeding facilities, on the contrary. The first foals of this year are starting to be born. On January 5, a stallion of the Hucul breed Hroby XVI-24 from the mother 729 Oušor III-49 was born at the Hostie breeding facility. Two days after that, 7th January the Lipizzan mare Conversano XIII-75 from mother 745 Madeira was born. At the breeding facility Rybník, on 18th January they welcomed a thoroughbred Arabian stallion after Tobrok III from mother Unia. All foals and their mothers are in good health. The national stud farm expects more than 70 foals this year.

Breeding facilities are ready for the new breeding season, which begins on February 1 with the mating and insemination of breeding mares and lasts until 30th September this year.

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October 23, 1955, certainly was a day that is written in gold letters in the history of the Slovak turf and especially in the chronicle, at that time, of the Topoľčianky State Stud Farm. 65 years have passed since the Czechoslovak national anthem was played at the Pardubice racecourse to the first Slovak rider to become the winner of the most difficult continental race, the 66th year of the Great Pardubice Racecourse. The Slovak legend is united by three names: Jozef Čajda, Furioso XIV and Emil Šulgan. But let's start from the beginning.


Furioso XIV was born on 16.10.1948. From the Pohořelice stud farm, this chestnut was assigned to the war destroyed Military Stud Farm Hostouň in Šumava. Along with him, the Ministry of Agriculture included stallions Star Of Hannover III from 30 Gidran XXXIII, Przedswit III from 16 Toborzo and English thoroughbred stallions Derüs by Balbinus from Derüre Born and his son Tulak from mother Toulka, as well as breeding English thoroughbred stallions Horymír, Holweg and Portius. Since 1949, the Ministry of Agriculture has taken over the management of the stud farm from the army in order to produce exceptionally high-quality riding horses for land breeding and the army on the basis of proven Austro-Hungarian horse tribes such as Furioso and Przedswit.

In the fifties, Furioso XIV is assigned to the Topoľčianky State Stud Farm for the purpose of his racing testing. Emil Šulgan takes over as coach.


Emil Šulgan was born on April 3, 1903 in Nitra. The horse public recognized him as one of the most important hippological experts and was called "Mr. Counselor". After graduating from high school, he became the head of training at the Hostouň military stud farm through the military academy in Hranice 1923-25 and completing a higher riding course in Pardubice. He participated in the evacuation of the stud farm to Horné Motešice.

After leaving for the reserve, he worked in Nitra, Topoľčianky and since 1963 in Nový Tekov. The period of his work in Topoľčianky can be considered as very important. He joined the Topoľčianky State Stud Farm on January 7, 1946 as the head of horse training. During his time, the Topoľčiansky riders and their horses achieved a number of sporting successes. Under his leadership, riders such as Pružinský, Hrúzik, Ďuran, Alakša, Haspra, Gregor, Kováč, Kelemen, but also Jozef Čajda grew up. František Hrúzik, our only Olympian and his trainee, remembers him as follows: “He had a huge enthusiasm for racing and sports. Thus began the sports testing and the foundations of sports riding were laid in Topoľčianky”.

Emil Šulgan excelled in pedagogical tact and rich coaching experience. He brought military drill, order and systemism to the training. He trained horses and riders for almost all disciplines of equestrian sport (dressage, parkour, versatility and racing). He and his favourite Lipizzaner stallion Pluto performed the exercises of a Spanish classical riding school. He also worked as the founder of a classic riding school in the stud farm Lipica. Despite the fact that from 1948 to 1951 he worked as the director of the Topoľčianky State Stud Farm, he did not betray his coaching activities. Furioso XIV fell into his eye.


Šulgan entrusted the stallion to the rider Pavel Kováč. He started his racing career. In 1952 he started with him in 7 races, flat and steeplechase. The career looked promising. He won six times and finished second once. From 1953, in addition to Kováč, he also began to nominate the rider Jozef Čajda (March 29, 1919) for the Furioso’s saddle.  He joined the Topoľčianky State Stud Farm on January 7, 1951 and worked there until May 31, 1960 as a rider in the Jazdiareň resort. The year 1953 was marked by obstacle races. Out of seven, he won six times and in the last race of the season in Pardubice (Kladrubská cena, steeplechase at 3200 m) he finished with Jozef Čajda in 6th place.

Since 1954, Jozef Čajda has become the only rider of Furioso. At Breziny breeding centre, where replicas of the Great Pardubice jumps are built, systematic preparation for the most difficult test begins. This year Furioso and Jozef Čajda did not find a conqueror.


 The season was opened in Bratislava on Spring steeplechase (4000 m). Here, the pair ended in the second place after a fight for the neck behind a stable colleague Corsican with the rider Absolon. Even at the Grand Autumn Prize in Svätý Jur at 6000 m, Furioso did not win. He finished second behind the thoroughbred Korteš. Coach Emil Šulgan entered the stallion Furioso XIV with Jozef Čajda for the International Racing Meeting in Pardubice. It took place for the next two Sundays. The main race and the highlight of the meeting was the Great Pardubice Steeplechase on October 23, 1955.

Twenty horses entered the start. Nine horses fell on Taxis, one refused to jump (Salvator). Furioso also had a collision in the Great Gardens, but he lost almost nothing. After Havel's jump, he disengaged from his opponents and with a lead of thirteen lengths, he crossed the finish line triumphantly as the winner in the time of 11: 32.1 min. The statement of the race committee was: "detained by thirteen lengths - far - far ....". Furioso appeared on the track in Hubice and Trenčín in 1958, this time in the saddle with Karol Uhrecký, when he finally ended his racing career.


Furioso XIV was included in the breeding on the basis of a successful racing career. The correct name from the zootechnical point of view is for Furioso XIV - Furioso XIV-52, because this stallion was born as the son of the stallion Furioso XIV, in the order as the 52nd descendant, out of the thoroughbred mother Selekta.

He was in Žrebčín Motešice in 1955 as a stallion under the number 422 Furioso XXVII. From his offspring, the mare 661 Furioso XXVII (1957) was included in the breeding of this stud farm. From Motešice he was transferred to the State Stud Farm in Topoľčianky, where he stayed from 1958 to 1965 as a pepinier (tribal stallion) for a warm-blooded herd of mares. He was entered in the studbook in Topoľčianky under the number 104 Furioso XXVII. In Topoľčianky, 6 breeding mares were included in the breeding after this stallion: 51 Palma (1959), 68 Ontario (1961), 82 Jelka (1960), 118 Furioso XXVII-13 (1964), 152 Furioso XXVII-15 (1964) and a mare 164 Furioso-24 (1965). The offspring were used not only in breeding but also in sports. It is interesting that many, despite the political time in which the stallion worked, were sold for foreign exchange, e.g. to Germany.

It can be stated that Furioso XXVII (Furioso XIV) became the father of excellent mothers, unfortunately not the father of stallions. Neither in Motešice nor in Topoľčianky did he leave behind a direct successor, despite the fact that he was a representative of the rare Radios branch of Furioso (the branch after Furioso VIII, 1887), which was used throughout the former Czechoslovakia.

To this day, an honorary panel in the Hall of Fame of the hippological exposition of the National Stud Farm Topoľčianky is dedicated to this great turf victory.

Emil Šulgan remained faithful to horses even after his retirement and passed on his rich experience to riders in JO Hipológ and Žižka Bratislava. After the end of his racing career, Jozef Čajda moved to the Nový Tekov stud farm and later devoted himself to the breeding of warm-blooded horses at the SPTŠ in Zlaté Moravce (Čierna Dolina). On October 23, 1983, he succumbed to an incurable disease, 28 years after he became a racing legend. Unfortunately, he was no longer able to overcome the disease.

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  • Archív Národného žrebčína „Topoľčianky“, š.p.
  • Speciálni zootechnika – Chov koní, 1957, SZN Praha
  • Od Fantoma po Peruána – Historie 110 ročníků Velké pardubické, 1874 – 2000, Hubálek J., Nehyba M.
  • Z histórie - Jozef Čajda, SVET KONÍ, č. 4/2019, str. 17


On 5th November 2020, performance tests of GR horses (mares and stallions) owned by the National Stud Farm "Topoľčianky", š.p. Due to the situation regarding COVID-19, the commission appointed by the chairman of the VK at the MPRV SR worked in a narrower composition - in compliance with strict hygienic measures.

The horses were well prepared for the performance tests and the tests were run according to the time schedule. The Commission proposes to include Shagya-Arab mares in the elite breeding herd of NŽ and to include them in the breeding program in the 2021 season.




Class / Number of points

O´Bajan V-31, mare

ELITA (8,55 points)

O´Bajan V-28, mare

ELITA (8,37 points)

Gazal VIII-16, stallion

ELITA (8,61 points)

Pluto XXI-8, stallion

ELITA (8,44 points)

Conversano XIV-21, stallion

ELITA (8,32 points)


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In October, the dressage team of the National Stud Farm "Topoľčianky", š.p. was left by one of the most successful dressage horses, Lipizzaner stallion Conversano VI-47. Many also knew him under the sport name SAURON.

He was born in 2005 as a descendant of the stallion Conversano VI Gaetana from his mother Soreya (Neapolitano IX-3) at the Hostie breeding facility. At the age of four, he was transferred to the training centre, where, after a 100-day test, he passed the prescribed performance tests. He finished in the class ELITE.

The stallion was included in the dressage department with the aim of its further performance testing, not only in sports, but also in the Classical school in Topoľčianky. His balanced nature, excellent manoeuvrability and teachability enabled him to give stable performances on dressage competitions. He went through the individual levels of difficulty easily and quickly. With his lifelong rider Kristína Flaková, they reached the level "S".

For several sports seasons, they were regular participants in the highest competitions and together they achieved many valuable victories. They became the holders of six medals from the Slovak Dressage Championships in the senior category - gold in 2017, silver 2016, 2018, 2020 and bronze in 2014 and 2019. Conversano VI-47 won the title "Dressage Horse of the Year" four times (2015, 2017, 2018, 2019). In 2018, he achieved first place in the international dressage series "Lipican Cup" at the "S" level.

All these successes are all the more valuable because, as a Lipizzaner stallion, he was able to assert himself in tough national and international competition. He was a master at the technical demonstration of difficult exercises. His strong point was mainly gallop pirouettes and series of flying changes.

He also worked in the representative performances of the Classical School in Topoľčianky and also held his place in the quadrille. He was reliable even during demanding costume performances for children at Mikuláš, an excellent partner during Hubert's rides. He liked walking in the woods and also liked to jump over minor obstacles. Occasional driving did not cause him any problems either.

              Conversano VI-47 was a fighter, in the full sense of the word. However, despite the efforts of three renowned veterinarians, he lost his fight on October 26, 2020.

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Summer show jumping Topoľčianky 2020

The second weekend of August, there was a show jumping competition at the premises of the National Stud Farm Topoľčianky. 140 horses were entered which was about 200 starts per a day.

The weather was really hot which made it quite difficult for all the participants as well as for the organizing team. The course designer was Jan Kopiš from Czech Republic. The role of the Ground Jury President was accepted by Anna Virágová, the members were Kamil Šulko, Martina Kredatusová a Patrik Mikulášik. A big „thank you“ belongs to the sponsors of the event – Cavalor, Agro Tami, Heineken, Brimo and the National Stud Farm Topoľčianky.

There were five competitions every day, from 90 cm up to 130 cm.

Detailed results can by found here at or



Predbežný časový harmonogram

Predbežné štartovné listiny - sobota:

1. "ZM" optimálny čas

2. "Z" optimálny čas

3. "ZL" na čas

4. "L"


Predbežné štartovné listiny - nedeľa:

6. "ZM" optimálny čas

7. "Z" optimálny čas

8. "ZL na čas

9. "L" na čas


Výsledky - sobota:

1. "ZM" optimálny čas

2. "Z" optimálny čas

3. "ZL" na čas

4. "L"


Výsledky - nedeľa:

6. "ZM" optimálny čas

7. "Z" optimálny čas

8. "ZL na čas

9. "L" na čas


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Autor textu a foto : NŽT

Autumn show jumping event, Topoľčianky 2020

The second weekend of September, there was a show jumping competition at the premises of the National Stud Farm Topoľčianky. 60 horses were entered and there were five competitions every day, from 90 cm up to 130 cm.

The course designer was Jan Kopiš from Czech Republic. The role of the Ground Jury President was accepted by Anna Virágová, the members were Martina Kredatusová, Nikola Rýdza a Patrik Mikulášik. A big „thank you“ belongs to the sponsors of the event – Cavalor, Agro Tami, Heineken, Brimo and the National Stud Farm Topoľčianky.

Detailed results can by found here at or

VÝSLEDKY 12.09.2020 (sobota):
1."ZM" optimálny čas
2."Z"optimálny čas
3."ZL" na čas
4."L" na čas

VÝSLEDKY 13.09.2020 (nedeľa):
6. "ZM" optimálny čas
7. "Z" optimálny čas
8. "ZL" na čas
9. "L" na čas

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Autor textu a foto : NŽT

The Championship of Slovak Republic in Driving

On 24th – 26th July 2020 there was a national driving event taking place at the premises of the National Stud Farm Topoľčianky and the race course of Topoľčianky. The event was also classified as the Championship of Slovak Republic for Singles and Pairs. The categories of pony single and four-in- hand were opened too. The results are considered as a qualification for the Czech driving serial called „Golden Horseshoe “. The final will take place in Humpolec in the middle of August.

The Ground Jury President and the Technical Delegate in one person was Robert Fekár (SVK), other members were Jiří Kunát (CZE) and Josef Trojanec (CZE). The role of steward accepted Blanka Trojancová (CZE). Pavol Gašpar (SVK) was the course designer. Due to a higher number of competitors the organizer had to change the event to three days instead of planned two. There were 35 drivers altogether from Czech Republic, Hungary, Estonia and Slovakia.

CAN2* P1, H1, H2, H4

In the combined competition in the category of pony singles the winner became Vanessza Nagy from Hungary with the mare Fanni. The second place belonged to Ágnes Jambor Blanka with Benjamin and the third place gained Bertold Juhász and Fred, all from Hungary. In the category of horse singles, the best driver was Roosileht Pille Riin with Donald from Estonia, the second place belonged to Jan Minarčík from Czech Republic and the third place went to Hungary again for Gábor D´Ess. The highest number of the competitors was in the category of pairs. The first and the second place gained Miroslav Matúška from the home club. The third place belonged to Kiss Róbert from Hungary. In the category of four-in-hand, there was only one competitor entered - József Vida from Hungary.

Bronze badge of SJF for MVDr. Ivan Babík

The festive atmosphere of the prize giving ceremony enhanced the bronze badge of SJF submission to MVDr. Ivan Babík from TJ Žrebčín Motešice. The prize was given directly by the president of SJF Ing. Vladimír Chovan on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of his life and for his lifelong contribution to equestrian sport. Good health and many other successes also wished him the director of the National Stud Farm Ing. Michal Horny, PhD. and the president of the Bratislava region of SJF and at the same time the main judge of the event RNDr. Robert Fekár.

The Championship H1, H2

In the category of singles, the new Champion of Slovak Republic is Ľudovít Kurkin with a horse Puškin from JZK Equs Poprad. Silver medal went to Ladislav Hána and bronze to Ivan Babík, both from TJ Žrebčín Motešice.

The category of pairs was opened after seven years. There were eight pairs to fight for the title. The new Champion became Miroslav Matúška from JK pri Národnom žrebčíne Topoľčianky, who also gained a silver medal with his second pair. Bronze also stayed in Topoľčianky, for Jozef Mašír. The fourth place belonged to András Gasparík from JK Czajlik ranch. The fifth place gained Szilárd Barta from JO Martin Záturčie. Milan Gajan from KPKL Bodrovec ended on the sixth place and Jozef Bučkuliak from JO Martin Záturčie on the seventh place. The newcomer Pavol Kemencei from JK pri NŽ Topoľčianky was unfortunately disqualified after a mistake in marathon.

All results can be found here:,

Golden Horseshoe

The Czech equestrian series Golden Horseshoe is celebrating its 55th anniversary this year. It concerns the equestrian disciplines such as eventing and driving. Many significant names of equestrian world in the Czech Republic and Slovakia are connected with the history of the origin of this unique activity. Since 1970, the series has found its background on the Humpolec farm of the secondary agricultural school and at the same time has received significant support from the town of Humpolec. During its development, it underwent many forms and modifications. In the form in which we know it today, it has been operating since 1980. After many years, cooperation with Slovakia was renewed again, when this year's national driving event in Topoľčianky was included as one of the qualifying rounds of the Golden Horseshoe. It was the jubilee 55th year that became an event where we will be able to watch the competitors from Slovakia again in the final.

Predbežný časový harmonogram / Preliminary Timetable

Majstrovstvá SR H1, H2 - Zlatá podkova

Zoznam účastníkov / List of Competitors

Štartovné lístiny a výsledky

On line výsledky

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Championship of Slovak Republic in Dressage and Farm Revue

During 17th – 19th July 2020, the top dressage event of the year took place at the premises of the National Stud Farm Topoľčianky – Championship of Slovak Republic in Dressage. Based on the qualification of the riders and technical conditions of the championship, almost all categories were opened – children, younger juniors, older juniors and seniors.

At about fifty equestrian pairs from whole Slovakia came to compete. Apart from the championship competitions there were also open competitions and competitions for young horses. The detailed results can be found on these web pages:,, .

The Ground Jury President was Doc. RNDr. Iľja Vietor, PhD. The other members were Peter Juhász (SVK), Ing. Iva Schützová (CZE), Ing. Simona Fialová, PhD. (CZE) and Zoltán Prutkay (HUN).

The championship of all categories consisted of two rounds. The results were in many cases very close so there was a kind of tension between the riders as well as the spectators until the very end.


The Champion and also the Vice-Champion in children´s category became Sofia Petranová with horses Alice im Wunderland and Piaf from TJ Žrebčín Motešice. Bronze medal belonged to Lara Dangl and Giovanni from JK Ivanka pri Dunaji. The fourth and fifth place gained Tamarka Polláková with Przedswit XIX-16 Chocolate and with Alja from JK Carmina Rimavská Sobota. Dianka Hunová and her beautiful pony Sans Gene from JK Ivanka pri Dunaji ended on the fifth place.

Younger Juniors

In the category of younger juniors, the gold medal won Ela Benediková and Hornett from JK Vida Bratislava. Silve rand bronze gained Diana Cingelová with horses Largo and Armín from JK Ivanka pri Dunaji. The fourth place belonged to Terezka Kučerková from MedGene Bratislava.

Older Juniors

Zoya Ledecká and her talented mare Si Belle 2 from JK Balunky Bratislava became the champions in the category of older juniors. Silver and bronze medal gained Michaela Balážová with horses Marengo and Gajlu from JO Martin-Záturčie. The fourth place belonged to Martina Výbohová and Enimo from JK Masarykov dvor. On the fifth place ex aequo ended Rebeca Némethová and Víťaz and Martina Rajecová with Esmeralda from JK Ivanka pri Dunaji. The riders were honoured to accept the congratulation by the minister of agriculture Ján Mičovský and director of the National Stud Farm Topoľčianky Michal Horný.


The category of seniors is on the highest level of the Championships. The second round is the freestyle to music on Intermediate I level. The winner of this category became Ádám Patócs with horse Laurin from TJ Žrebčín Motešice. The silver medal gained Kristína Flaková and Conversano VI-47 from JK pri NŽ Topoľčianky. The bronze medal also stayed in Topoľčianky, for Peter Vančo and Conversano XIII-47. The fourth place belonged to Michaela Pechová with horse Edgar from JK Ivanka pri Dunaji. Michaela Horná and Forever gained the fifth place.

Great Thank you belongs to companies Cavalor, Happy Horse Services, Spillers Levice, Brimo, Eques, Vínotéka Kubjack, Heineken and Národný žrebčín Topoľčianky, which provided valuable prizes in kind in the open competitions.


The Dressage Championship were made more interesting by the presence of TV crew of RTVS 2 and creative team of tv program called Farm Revue. Special live broadcast of this poplar show enhanced the festive atmosphere of the Dressage Championships.  The content of this part was focused on the harmony between the riders and their horses in the dressage arena. The creators also prepared a look in the history and presence of the National Stud Farm Topoľčianky. Apart from the horses breeding they also mentioned cattle and sheep farming. Reports from the interesting sightseeing of the region were also added.

The part of this episode also was the evaluation of the 9th year of competition for students of secondary agricultural schools – Top Agro Girl/Boy. 13 schools participated in the competition. The aim was to find and introduce young skilful communicative people who would like to connect their professional future with work in agriculture and life in the countryside.

In case you have missed the live broadcast on Saturday 18th July 2020, the episode can be found in the archive on the channel RTVS 2.


Zoznam účastníkov

Štartovné a výsledkové listiny


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First Dressage Champions in the Season of 2020

During 27th – 28th July 2020, two-day-dressage- event took place at the premises of the National Stud Farm Topolcianky. Apart from the opened competitions, the spectators could watch the Championship of Slovak Republic for 5 and 6 years old horses and also the Championship of West Slovakia in the category of young horses.

The ground jury consisted of many experienced Slovak, Czech and Hungarian judges. The invitation accepted Peter Juhász (SVK), Dagmar Kočiová (SVK), Iva Schützová (CZE), Ilona Kružíková (CZE) and Zoltán Prutkay (HUN). Approximately 50 equestrian pairs competed from the basic level „A“ up to „Intermediate I“ including the tests for young horses and ponies.

Detailed results can be found on these web pages:,,

The Championship of Slovak Republic

Unfortunately, from among the planned categories only one could be opened – 5-6 years old horses. The new holder of the title became Michaela Horná and Lorry from JK pri NŽ Topoľčianky. The silver medal went to Linda Kilíková and Rocky Diamond from Horse Club Nitra. Bronze medal stayed at the National Stud Farm Topoľčianky – Kristína Flaková and Bonnami.

The Championship of West Slovakia

The conditions of opening the categories were fulfilled again only in the category of young horses. The winner was Michaela Horná and Lorry from JK pri NŽ Topoľčianky. The silver medal went to Linda Kilíková and Rocky Diamond from Horse Club Nitra. Bronze medal stayed at the National Stud Farm Topoľčianky – Kristína Flaková and Bonnami.

The organizing committee would like to thank to the companies Heineken and the National Stud Farm Topoľčianky which provided the event with prizes in kind.

Štartky, výsledky

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The Exams of Basic Schooling of a Rider in Driving

On 4th July 2020 JK pri NŽ Topoľčianky and ZSO SJF organized exams of basic schooling of a rider in driving. The head of examining committee was Pavol Gašpar, next examiners were Anna Virágová and Martina Kredatusová.

The examination consisted of theoretical and practical part. The theory was a test which included questions from general and driving rules. In the practical part the participant had to show how to harness the horses and he had to pass a track of cones.

Pavol Kemencei form JK pri NŽ Topoľčianky successfully passed both parts and joined the group of sport drivers not only at the home club but in Slovakia, too.

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